Thursday, September 2, 2010

foreclosure search

Down With Tyranny uncovers the photo above, and lays out what’s new in the David Rivera alleged domestic abuse scandal. The photo, by the way, shows Rivera with the alleged victim’s mom. Drip, drip …

From the DWT blog:

There’s growing chatter in Miami political circles these days that one of its most influential and controversial politicians is about to fall from grace. Reliable sources tell me that several major South Florida media outlets will soon be reporting that Miami GOP Chair and candidate for Congress, David Rivera, has a repeat domestic violence record dating back to 1994 and was caught lying about it to the press, something first reported here at DWT early last month.

This story’s impeding breakthrough into the mainstream media is sure to cause trouble for conservative rising star Marco Rubio. David Rivera is a self proclaimed “disciple” of Marco Rubio and served as his protégé and strong arm in the Florida Legislature. The two Florida politicians own a house together that went into foreclosure last month. Rubio headlined a fundraiser for Rivera last month in Washington DC and the two have traveled to Las Vegas and Los Angeles together for fundraisers.

Rubio, the bright shiny object of both the Tea Party and FOX News, embarrassed by the Sharron Angles, Ken Bucks and Rand Pauls, will be placed in an awkward spot when it is made public that his best friend has been accused of Domestic Violence and furthermore that he has put forward the absurd excuse that it is merely a case of mistaken identity.

There’s plenty more, including details and timeline, at DWT. Most potentially damning:

A firsthand source told me that the NRCC asked Rivera of his domestic violence past in April, and he told them it’s a case of mistaken identity. Both the Miami New Times and the Miami Herald have also asked Rivera about his domestic violence record and he denies even knowing the woman, Jenia Dorticos. Given Rivera’s history of being caught red-handed lying to reportersabout the company he keeps (and just about everything), I dug a little deeper and here’s what I discovered.

• David Rivera the Republican politician is the only David M. Rivera that ever comes up when you conduct a public records search on the Miami Dade County public records website where you can find his mortgage deed, etc.

• Several of the victim Jenia Dorticos’ friends have refuted Rivera’s claim that he doesn’t know her and say the two dated in the 1990′s.

• Rivera is photographed with Dorticos’ mother at a fundraiser in April headlined by Scarface star Steven Bauer (“Manolo”). (above)

• Rivera has been dodging reporters now for 14 days and has kicked them out of recent Republican events and offices.

• Marco Rubio (again, Rivera’s closest friend) and David Rivera’s attorneys have been intimidating and threatening South Florida media outlets with a $10 million law suit if they report this story. Of course, if Rivera’s legal team wanted to, they could demand an injunction, but that would then force the state attorney’s office and Rivera to turn over all evidence related to this case in court.

Again, drip drip …

I think that if you trace HAMP to the source you will find this was an invention of the bureaucrats at the Treasury who fooled both the public (and probably Obama, perhaps the new Secretary) and even the banksters. If you read the implementing instructions it becomes clear this is a maze that few can find an ‘approved’ entry to or exit from. Just the ‘dictionary’ was 136 lines with 10 cells on an Excel spreadsheet (190kb). I was looking at the fifth revision.

HAMP did forestall a few foreclosures, but it took jumping through hoops. Only a small sum went to the service folks and the rules were changed quarterly. On the banks side they wanted it to work as it could put off the loss while it was in HAMP. It was badly implemented because it was like that pea and shell game. I got a headache reading through all the ‘rules’ and categories and realized this lacked a hard and fast rule. It was ‘optional’ for the bank and the borrower.

It is fair to blame the banksters for most of the failure, but the Treasury was most at fault and those folks who created it are the crats who are not swept away with a changed administration. These critters do either retire or seek jobs with those who must figure out the rules.

I’m giving Obama and maybe even Timothy a pass on this one.. they had a lot on the plate and let the crats do the chores. Congress is who I’ll blame.. they should have never raised the lending limits that Fannie and Freddie could provide as that’s what sent this bubble aloft. People have to have jobs that pay enough to pay these loans. They did not and even as we see from this tale.. people have tried and can’t due to a host of issues.. but folks… a $2,600@ payment is only part of home ownership. You need a net income of $10,000@ month to service such a debt. Clearly a lot of folks were to blame.

‘Wanting’ this house is not planning so as to afford it. People acted imprudently and now we’re ALL going to pay and pay and pay. The lawyers and banksters never pay, which is why they need to be REGULATED. That is worth getting angry over. Home ownership was never (after maintenance, taxes and insurance) going to appreciate more than 1-2% a year.. if you maintain and update. The whole idea of buying houses that will eat your income to the extent these folks have was NUTS.

Yes it was also a stall tactic, but that’s not a bad thing given the mess we’re all in. Congress are who we need to rail on. Fannie and Freddy need to go away. Local banking isolated from the ‘products’ is what we need back. They worked and worked with the borrower. Today the investors are detached and suckers too.

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